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Cellular Life Project

In this lab, students looked at various types of cells under a microscope. Then recorded/ illustrated the images on to a lab notebook. We used simple lab writing methods to write the lab and recorded every step. 

Cells are what makes us, us!

another project, was the Cell Article. Where we researched and documented an interesting cell of our choice. I chose the chameleon skin cells because i was very interested in how the changed color and camouflaged themselves. 

Click Me to Open Article 

Hibiscus Flower

In Conclusion...

(Individual clear and pink flower cells)

    We now have the understanding of how structures of cells affect their function and jobs. The Cellular Life Lab, was a great way to see the cells clearly in real life and not through a picture. The cells had different colors and shapes which looked very interesting. 

    The Photomicrography project lead us to learn more about how to use a microscope. However, the main focus of the project was to get the best possible pictures of the cells individually. Which lead us to continuously go back and adjust and learn more about the microscope. All in all the 3 cell related labs really helped us to get an understanding in how cells work and how important they re to living things.


Pictures of the Labs

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